About Us
Sorrell Private Trust (SPT) is a non-deposit taking trust company licensed and regulated by the Treasury Board and Finance Department of the Government of Alberta.
Who We Are
SPT is unique. We are completely independent and operate as a Family Office Trust Company providing customized, personal trust services to our clients.
SPT is a completely independent trust company. We are neither owned nor controlled by any other financial institution. We are not a part of any bank, investment counsellor, legal or accounting firm.
SPT is focused upon providing the highest standards of bespoke trust and family office services for our clients.
SPT's independence gives us the ability to work with a family's existing team of trusted professional advisors. If needed, we are also pleased to add team members by introducing other best in class professional service providers to our clients.
SPT's independence means we sit on the same side of the table as our clients, acting as a trusted advisor and committed to being a family's strongest ally and advocate in managing their affairs.
Client Service
SPT's focus is to be the Gold Standard in providing exceptional service to its clients.
Our client’s bespoke structures are tailored by the nature of their family and particular circumstances.
Sorrell Private Trust is dedicated to the management and generational preservation of a family's affairs, wealth and well being.
Our Vision
To be the Gold Standard in professional service excellence. One client at a time.
Our Why
...because we love to amaze our clients.
Our Values
Our Golden Rules:
Always tell the truth
Treat people as we wish to be treated
Never make a promise we cannot keep